Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Senior Minister

487 N. Turnpike Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Prayer for Home / Housing
Right where I stand, God is. All that is needed to perfectly sustain my being is present right where I am. My body of affairs is cared for and superbly maintained by Spirit. Everything is tenderly rendered for my benefit right now.
Through my constant connection with the Divine, everything that is necessary to support my life thoroughly is magnetized to me. All that is right and perfect for me materializes out of Divine Source to facilitate my well-being, peace of mind and sense of security.

I am surrounded in Divine Perfection. I am constantly up leveled and amazed by God’s bountiful provision for my life. Spirit supports my life in all ways so that I thrive and express the fullness of Its Love as my life.
I manifest the perfect residence for me to enjoy. The process is effortless and easy. I am guided every step of the way, fulfilling every requirement, every detail attended to by the right people to meet the high standards of God’s vision for the perfect home for me to live in.
All impediments within my subconscious are removed as I embody this perfect truth. I give thanks for this knowledge. I accept all the good that is my birthright as a beloved and sacred child of the Most High. I rest in my complete faith in this glorious unfolding reality. I trust and allow all power of God that is present to manifest this truth now.
I release and let go. I release and let God.
And so, it is. Amen.
- Roxy Angel Superstar, RScP