Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Senior Minister

Rev. Maryum Karen Morse
Ministro principal
487 N. Turnpike Rd.
Santa Bárbara, CA 93111
Roxy Angel Superstar!

The Center of the Heart Santa Barbara is a place of peace, love and harmony because we have Roxy as our own personal OM - Operations and Marketing Manager. Roxy wears many hats for the Center: In addition to her services as a Licensed Practitioner and member of the Core Council, Roxy handles all day-to-day operations; rental agreements; Logistics; Social Media Marketing; website management; production coordination for Sunday services; Special Events and Volunteer Coordinating. Roxy joined our team in 2010 and brought a dynamic, positive energy that is inspiring and uplifting. Prior to joining our team, Roxy had her own private business, producing digital assets for the 3D gaming market. Her team-building skills, graphic design and event production skills are an asset to our Center of the Heart community.
Volunteering from the Heart
